‘Doku the Self’ Film Screening
Large scale film special screening

Come have all your illusions of self shattered in visual artist Lu Yang’s latest video work, Doku The Self.

The special screening of ‘Doku The Self’ by Lu Yang will take place over five consecutive nights on Nxt Museum’s large scale 370sqm projection surface: enjoy a unique cinematic showing of one of the foremost digital creators of our time.

Screening hours:
Mon 30 Jan – Wed 1 Feb
17:00 – 21:30h
Thur 2 & Fri 3 Feb
17:00 – 22:30h

Still from ‘Doku The Self’ (2022) by Lu Yang

— Make it a Lu Yang Night | €24,75
Paired with a visit to our current exhibition, ‘UFO – Unidentified Fluid Other’, witness the evolution of Yang’s work by first seeing his earlier piece ‘Great Adventures of Material World’. Meet an earlier version of Doku and the origins of Yang’s video game storytelling informed by the spiritual iconography of his youth.

Get your screening + exhibition ticket

— Get a ‘Doku The Self’ Screening ticket | €5,00
We invite you to experience this must-see contemporary classic with musical score by liiii, woody and feng and narration by Takano Shinya. Come refract your perceptions of ‘the self’ in a 3D rendered emotive journey narrating non-binary futures.

Get your screening ticket

Still from ‘Doku The Self’ (2022) by Lu Yang

Screening synopsis: 
Doku, Yang’s digital avatar who stars in the film, is short for the Japanese ‘Dokusho Dokushi’, a Buddhist saying that translates to ‘we will die alone, and we are born alone’. The theme of continuous birth and death plays out over 36 minutes of intricately designed digital realms representing 6 of Yang’s reincarnated selves.

Debuting at the Venice Biennale 2022, Doku The Self is a narrative artwork based on autobiographical experience. After experiencing an extremely turbulent plane journey, Yang has created virtual scenes featuring an aircraft flying through thunderstorms. The artist visualises Doku transforming into various alter egos based on the six realms of samsara, which in Buddhism and Hinduism refers to the continuous cycle of death and rebirth. Using motion capture to animate each character with relatable emotion and traditional dance moves, Yang’s super hero-like characters embody a range of existential human feelings – from terrified, to vengeful, to vulnerable and ultimately letting it all go.

About Lu Yang:
Lu Yang has been awarded the ‘BMW Art Journey’ (2019), ‘Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year’ (2022) and his solo exhibition shown at the Zabludowicz Collection (U.K.) is included in Time Out’s ‘Best Exhibitions of 2022’.

Event format:

Nxt Stage Screening


10 Januar 2023 - 3 Februar 2023

'Doku The Self' - Lu Yang:

Duration : 36 minutes

A film by

Musical score by